WB CSR Portal
033 2250 1019 / 033 2253 5237 / 033 2253 5363 / 033 2253 5393
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a strategy undertaken by companies to not just grow profits as a corporate citizen but also to take an active and positive social role in the society where it actually exists.
"As per the section 135 of Companies Act- 2013, the companies having Net worth of INR 500 crore or more; or Turnover of INR 1,000 crore or more; or Net Profit of INR 5 crore or more during any financial year, shall be required to spend 2°/o of its average net profit in activities stated in Schedule- VII."
Government of West Bengal is committed in providing adequate resources for the welfare of the people. Hence, a need has been felt for optimal utilization of the CSR Fund, by facilitating both the Public and Private Sector Companies in relation to their CSR spending. The impact created through CSR initiatives could be humongous if they are customized to meet the specific needs of the State.
The CSR Portal acts as a platform for selection, implementation and monitoring of eligible projects under CSR.
The State has constituted the West Bengal CSR Council under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary for the purpose of managing CSR fund and monitoring CSR activities. This portal facilitates in registration of the companies and entering the proposed shelf of projects to be executed out of CSR fund.